Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ruffle me this...

I am *DYING* over these fantastic dresses on etsy, this shop called the Ritzy Rose is selling the gorgeous vintage dresses that she used for her bridesmaids in her wedding.

The minty green one is just perfection in a 1950s vintage dress. Really there are no words. Except for where the heck were these dresses (and the $250 they cost) when I was going to high school dances?!? But I digress...I must think up an occasion where it would be appropriate for an almost 30 year-old mom to wear one of these...hmmm....
I got nothin'.

That Funky Boutique

But these do remind me of a design trend that I am also crushing on right now...

All of these can be found on etsy...(c:


P B Wallace said...

Well done Junior.

Kara said...

Those are all super fun! I love me some ruffles too!

P B Wallace said...

I love it! I love going shopping with you because you see awesome things that I just pass by- now you can be my 'eyes' more often:) Yay! btw, this is Lisa (mom) I haven't figured out how to post a comment in my name:)