Friday, May 4, 2012

The Avengers ... Movie Review!

Looking for something to do this weekend?

May I make a suggestion? (c:

Yeah, I know, it's an action/super hero flick, but if you want to talk about All Things Bright and Beautiful, just check out the line up here:

Not bad right? (c:

And it's absolutely *HILARIOUS*...I can't remember the last time I laughed so much in a movie...and I'm including ones with Tina Fey, Steve Carrell, *AND* Emma Stone...

It totally lives up to the hype (which is so rare, isn't it?)!

Oh and as if you're going to have any trouble getting the man to come to this, you can show him this:

You'll thank me later after having a good laugh (c:


Carrie @ Hazardous Design said...

Not my kind of movie at all, but I'll take your word for it Aubrey. How can I not with that cast? OH and by the way...I DID end up making a $14.50 j crew bubble necklace purchase from ebay! Now I'm patiently awaiting its arrival from Hong Kong :)
Happy weekend!


So funny because someone JUST walked by me as I was reading this and said I'm going to see the Avengers this weekend. Also I know someone who saw it at midnight and said it was fabulous. :)

Happy weekend, sweets! xoxo

Crazy Wonderful said...

This is totally up my husband's alley so I know we'll be going. Good to know it's got your seal of approval! Helps that you did the hotty lineup ;)

natasha {schue love} said...

Might have to see this, per the hubby! Glad you me the gusto to go for it!

Anonymous said...

I will see anything with Mark Ruffalo...looove him!!! xoxo Elizabeth

Annie said...
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Maury @ Life on Mars said...

That's awesome! We're going to see it tonight. I'm kinda into the superhero movies anyway. So glad that it's a good one!

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...
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Unknown said...

I am dying to see it!!! We are going tomorrow night :) I am glad to hear it lived up to the hype. My favorite Avenger movie so far is Captain America. What's yours?

lemondropdreams said...

My 5 year old has been asking for weeks if it's out yet...we went and saw it today, I LOVED IT!! Don't forget to stay until the absolute end, after all the credits...they always sneak a little something in there...

lemondropdreams said...

Oh, and Thor is a hottie!!

Bring Pretty Back said...

I was wondering if this would be good.. after your review i am going to go see it for sure!
I think maybe tonight!
Have a pretty day!

The.Red.See said...

I think I'm going to have to see this, you are the third person I heard said it was a good movie.

Matt Steiner said...

The one question that continues to bother me is: why, with all his technology and seemingly limitless resources, does Nick Fury not get that eye fixed?

Kim @ keller-creative said...

We went on Friday and it was really good. I had never seen any of the other marvel movies so I've been catching up all day and watching all the movies!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't planning on seeing that movie, but after seeing that swoonworthy cast, I'm giving it a second thought!

Cassie {Hi Sugarplum} said...

The kids get out early Wednesday, so I'm thinking of taking them. What's your parental take on it?

Unknown said...

Not usually my cup of movie tea but I've heard so much about it- will go based on your recommendation alone:)

Things To Do said...

I'm all for ANYTHING Joss Whedon!

Plus Jeremy Renner = Swoon. :)