Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I should have been a cat burglar...

I am not good with surprises.

Not with keeping them (I've made the hubbs open a present early on more than one occasion, after multiple hints as to it's contents), and most definitely not with having them kept from me! 

I was the kid that went and found all my Christmas presents...and if they were already wrapped, I would carefully slice open the tape, unwrap it, and *very* precisely tape it back up.

What a brat, right??? 

It got so bad that my parents had to start hiding presents at my Dad's office.

And then my mom started with the "Just wait until you have kids!!!"...and I'm totally dreading it!

I know how much hard work goes in to finding out what the heck they even want and then also getting it without them seeing *AND THEN* keeping it a secret until the big event. 

This is very different from my usual posts because I hardly ever write...but I was just wondering, am I the only one worried about my kids being little sneaks like I was???

And as a little punches make *BOMB* gift tags from glittery paper:

And this is proof for all of you thinking that I really go all out with wrapping that it's *clearly* not true!

And holy gorgeous decorations, this pin took my breath away:

The branches...the lights...the sparkly ornaments!!! Le sigh.


Cassie Bustamante said...

i was the same way and i know payback is a-coming!

Leslie said...

That's so funny that your parents hid gifts at your Dad's office! I'm sure your kids will be fine. Love the circle punches!

michelle@decorandthedog said...

I was horrible..okay, still am. I always threatened my brother until he told me what he was getting me. I probably should invest in some therapy for the poor kid.

The Peak of Tres Chic said...

I hate to admit it, but I was that kid too! I was so bad, I always found out what I was getting. I don't have any kids yet so I can't say that is one of my current worries, but I bet you can be creative and find some good hiding spots. And yes, that pin is TO DIE FOR. Repinning. :)



Kim @ keller-creative said...

I totally used to open presents under the tree and re-wrap them up too! Glad Im not the only one.

Hilliary Meisner said...

I am terrible with keeping secrets. I get really excited about presents sometimes and just have to tell the person (usually it is Mark). And I want my dining room to look like that... beautiful!

Unknown said...

Hah! Hah! I have, on more than one occassion, blurted out what the present is if the person was too slow in opening it :-)

natasha {schue love} said...

Oh that is so funny!! I don't even know what I'll do one day...lock 'em up I guess!! The kids or the presents...well those are minor details! ;)

Elle Sees said...

I was a total snoop! I still shake presents today. Idk why since I've never guessed correctly!

Unknown said...

I am totally worried about it! We started using our neighbors to hide big ticket items. I was the WORST. My brother, sister and I used to use a ladder and go check up in the attic . . yep, they were there!

Lonely Wife Project said...

LOL! I would furiously shake boxes in an attempt to determine what the gift was.

designstiles said...

OMG, that was me too!!! I'd find the presents and then make hints that I didn't really want what was already purchased. I was terrible.

Jessie said...

Aubrey, cute story about the Christmas presents. Love the beautiful dining room as well!

Wishing you and your family a joyous holiday season!

P/S: I am hosting two giveaways. Come by and enter if you like.


Anna @ IHOD said...

my husband is the exact same way! I love it! We are always so anxious to gift before the actual day. Every day this week he has been asking me if I want my christmas present. oh so tempting...;)

Dusty Coyote said...

OH!!! I hide my kids' gifts in the attic, but according to Courtney, that apparently isn't safe!!! I keep little things in the trunk of the car. You just have to remember to not open it in front of the little buggers. Love the picture and the gift tags!

henning love said...

oh pretty pretty pretty!! can this be my house??

Sara Cate said...

What's funny is I never thought about finding gifts. I think I really thought they magically appeared on Christmas day, even the ones from my parents.

Great idea for the gift wrap!

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Believe it or not I wanted it to be a surprise so I never tried to open mine before Christmas, My parents did always let us pick one gift from under the tree to open on Christmas Eve and that was always fun.

Michelle said...

I never opened any Christmas gifts, but I was very sneaky as a kid. So now, whenever my son tries to sneak around, I'm already two steps ahead of him. I don't think you have to worry!

Ashley said...

I get way too excited when I purchase gifts that I always end up giving away too many hints! Must work on that this year... :)

Eva said...

Que boas lembranças me despertou, eu sempre espiava onde minha mãe guardava os presentes, como era dificil pra eu esperar até o dia do Natal, mas minha mãe não contava nada para nós, imagino como está sendo difícil para você, hehe, mas logo chegará o dia,amei a imagem,suspirei aqui, Aubrey, bjinhos minha querida.

Amanda || Eclectic Snapshots said...

That image is absolutely gorgeous! I wish that was my house!

Alicia xoxxo said...

Did I write this post? Just kidding! But it sounds like I could have! I haven't even thought about my precious little babe being a snot like I was sneaking a peak at the gifts! Holy crap!! Thanks for giving me something else to worry about Aubrey! ;)

Haley @ Cardigan Junkie said...

I think I get more excited about watching people open gifts then getting them myself! I put lots of thought into my presents and get really excited or sad if they do/don't go over well. :)

Tamra {ever swoon} said...

I am the worst with surprises!! It's so hard for me not to tell someone about a gift I found them that's perfect! Oh and I always tell me husband I don't want to be surprised, even when I really do!!


Carrie @ Hazardous Design said...

So snooping was exactly the way my little brother learned there wasn't a Santa Claus. He and I were in my parent's closet one day when we stumbled upon all our "hidden" christmas gifts. He was thrilled when he saw he would be getting the mega transformer, Optimus Prime that year from my parents. But then Christmas morning came, and he noticed the tag on Optimus Prime was from "Santa" (not from Mom and Dad). Oops.

Suzy said...

LOL! I think I could have written this post myself! I unwrapped and carefully rewrapped my presents every year. I've already had to tell the hubs what he's getting for Christmas and I made him confess that he was trying to arrange a surprise get together for my bday this weekend. Now, I find my kiddos snooping around in my closet or stealthily trying to pry back corners of wrapped presents. They do not have the gift of stealth and secrecy yet.

Marie said...

I don´t have kids yet, so I luckily don't have to worry about that :)
Have a wonderful day!
xx Marie

A Vintage Vine said...

We always have to be sneaky around here....Every year my kids get smarter and smarter in trying to figure out the presents....Funny post! BTW, I am loving your circle punch gift tags....I'll be copy catting that one!

Andrea said...

I was a sneaky little thing too, so I'm doomed. My kids will be snooping before I know it! Love that image. Take my breath away too!

A room with a view said...

My kids (particularly the youngest) are curious every time a bag or box enters the house. I have to drop/hide certain things home before the kids come home from school. This morning there was a pkg that sat outside the front door overnite and my youngest found it this morn and brought it in and said "oh, it must be the cards" (holiday cards). Fortunately one still believes in Santa. The gift wrapping/dots is very pretty and that dining room is stunning.

Julip Made said...

Hahahahaha I was the exact way when I was younger. My parents used to joke that I had an x-ray scanner in my bedroom to figure what the presents were ahead of time. Best hiding place... tall kitchen cupboards.

Sarah said...

I was such a snoop as a kid...I am still pretty bad, ha! Just this year my mom had to make me PROMISE that I wouldnt go in her closet and look for my gifts!