I'm still alive! Yay!
But I was definitely under the weather last week and as you might have been able to tell, my motivation has been somewhat lacking as of late. )c:
So I'm seriously thinking about joining the land of the living this week and making a real go of blogging, too...I said I'm *thinking* about it, who knows if it will actually happen or not *wink wink*
So there are definitely some things that have been rolling around this preggers sicky brain of mine and some stuff going on:
I found this print that I'm snapping up immediately because it's adorable and oh-so-springtime-y:
I picked up this little nightstand that is just begging for an overhaul, that cute little shape and fun hardware was just too good to pass up for $10 (hey, it's about time the hubby had a proper nightstand, right?):
And it had been *FOREVER* since my last proper haircut (no really, like 2 years...), so I chopped about 6 inches off my ridiculously long hair...and you can barely tell. Oi vey.
I swear, it's a lot shorter...
And for those of you that are curious about
And that's only at 15 weeks can just imagine the size at full term. Again, OI VEY. (c;
The upside is that we get to find out what we're having in two weeks!!! And don't worry, I'm not very fond of my bump pictures, so there won't be a whole slew of them (c;
And with that I bid you good day and happy Monday!