Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday's Fancies: Style Crush!

Well hellooooooo, Friday! 

Aren't you just looking scrumdidlyumptious after this week! (c;

Of note this week:

Sprinkles has come out with a Bacon Maple cupcake.


I'm totally curious to know if it really is as delicious as it sounds...

Furbish is renown for their awesomeness which just got kicked up a notch in my book after I spied these totally rad new Snake Prints...


And not really of note (but happening anyways), a whole lotta this:

What can I say? It's HOT.

So as an escape from the heat, I'm thinking of Paris in the fall...a la Carrie Bradshaw.

I still love this outfit that she wears when she first steps into Paris #divine #fashionwaswhyiwatched

But I had to infused some color into my version...hey, I just gotta be me, right? (c;

Skirt * Shirt * Jacket * Shoes * Fedora

So tell me, who is your fashion icon??? 

Anyone else still totally miss SATC???

Linkin' it up!


  1. One of my favorite Carrie looks ... loving your take on it with the pops of blue.

    Have a great weekend chillaxin!!
    World According to Shia

  2. Those snake prints...holy jeezus...insane goodness. Love the pool shot- very Beverly Hills Hotelish:)

  3. I totally miss SATC too but really hope they don't succumb to pressure and make another movie (let's face it #2 was grim).

  4. Bacon cupcakes???? I'm intrigued!

  5. I totally want to try those Bacon Maple cupcakes - yum!

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    Step 6 :- When you open the folder, it will contain a folder titled Chrome.
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    Step 8 :- Then change the entry’s name to ‘IncognitoModeAvailability.
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