Monday, September 12, 2011

The Mother of All Mondays

This best represents how this Monday is going...

It is a rare occasion when I don't post and I usually have a good reason.

This has been a symphony of unfortunate events (nothing serious, so don't worry!):

We moved. However, out internet did not move with us, it was *supposed* to...and then they told us Friday afternoon that it wouldn't be up until today. About an hour ago.

I would've gone somewhere else and done something about this...but yesterday I got sick!

And then there was the gang of ninjas that jumped me and took my lunch money and beat me up.

Okay the last one isn't true. Except for the ninja part. (c;

Needless to say, it's been a weird/crazy one at the ATB&B household and I was supposed to announce our giveaway winner today...

But because I didn't have access to my internet all weekend, I'm making the executive decision to extend the giveaway until Wednesday at 5 pm!!!

So if you haven't gotten in on the $100 giveaway from KOKOON, then today is your lucky day!!!

You have until 5pm on Wednesday to get in on the action!

And don't forget that today is the first day of the Roomspiration blog hop at Laurel-Dawn's!!!



  1. Moving sux. I am sure things will get better! And I hope I win!!!

  2. oh, you need a trip to Sprinkles ;-) that will cheer you up!
    i'm sure your new home was worth the hassle of moving; loved your guest posts last week!

  3. So sorry to hear about the ninjas. Hang in there, moving is the worst! Glad you are back online.

  4. Dastardly ninjas!!! Always messing up a day. Hope your day improves my dear. That frenchies face is feeling your pain.

  5. Awww I hope your day turns around sweet girl. Internet problems and sick? Yuck!

  6. Bless your heart! I hope tomorrow is brighter for you! Sending love and thoughts your way!

  7. Oh you poor thing. I hope you feel better and that the sun comes out in your world tomorrow! thinking of you!

  8. oh Aubrey so sorry to hear that. I hope you wake up feeling better tomorrow because the sun will shine on you! I know it will!! ;)) big kiss

  9. Awww! What a Monday! The good news is that it is almost over :)
    Hope you are feeling better.

  10. Oi minha querida, sem internet é para ficar chateada mesmo, tomara que venha logo, que pena que não posso participar da promoção, os modelos são lindos, beijos Aubrey, uma semana com muita internet pra vc.

  11. Hope you're up and running again soon - you picked a darn cute photo of that pup to describe your mood.

  12. I missed a Monday post today. It was going to stress me out to right it. And some pirates tried to steal my dog. Mondays are hard.

  13. I totally feel you! However, I am usually the worst about posting on Mondays period!

    Love that first blouse btw!

  14. Glad you are up and running again because I can't wait to see what's next. Love your blog, so glad I found it!

  15. If I had to move again, I probably wouldn't blog for eight entire months. The summer about did my blog in to be honest. You are amazing considering everything you've been dealing with! Ninjas, lol!

  16. Moving stinks! Hope you have a better day tomorrow!

  17. Sorry you're having a bad day boo! Feel better and tomorrow WILL be better! Promise! ;)

  18. Moving is so stressful! Hopefully tuesday will feel better :)
    xx Marie

  19. Hope the move went great! I wasn't aware you were moving!! Maybe I missed it on my 3 week hiatus..ha!
    Hope you start feeling better! Moving when sick is just unacceptable!!


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